1. Before we get down to the strictly musical stuff, I want to thank you for being a part of this second release of the zine.
Blodethos: I am very glad that I am able to be a part of this second issue.
2. When and how did you form Coldrune? Why did you name it this?
Blodethos: The seed of Coldrune began in 2013-2014. This was when a vision appeared to me. I won't go into the details of this vision here but I will say that it was the beginning of a spiritual/racial awakening. All of my dreams, religious feelings, life experience, and wisdom since that time has been reflected into Coldrune. It is a culmination. Technically speaking -- and what the 1st demo credits -- Coldrune took shape in Eastermonath 2021. This was during a time of isolation in my life. I was currently estranged from my family and moved away from my hometown. I went up North to be among the forests which now surround me. I got myself out of a life that was destroying me (or it was I that was destroying myself) and found a new natural environment. This became the setting which enabled me to begin experimenting with synthesizers and mixing ambient sounds. The first four songs I made ended up on the demo. Up until this point I had never attempted to make synth based music. The name Coldrune must had been floating around in the unconscious because I used the name a year prior, for something personally unrelated, and I had completely forgotten about it. I also used the name in a couple of writings as well. But it wasn't until the demo was finished that I decided Coldrune would be the name. The naming more or less revealed itself to me during this creation.
3. What can you tell us about the demo “Der Geist aus Eis und Blut”?
Blodethos: In the Northern Tradition Óðinn is credited as the god who gifts man with trance-like states. Never in my life had I experienced being in a trance throughout the entirety of making an album. From the very second I started "A First Dream (Völkisch Hinterland)" to the finishing touches of "Mystical Visions Of Ancestral Origin," I was in a deep trance state. I recall a few nights where I went for hours like this and the songs seemed to just write themselves. It was only after the demo was finished and released that I was able to look back and reflect on this phenomena I experienced. It seems to me the demo was a transmission of folk memory; the ancient vestiges that crop up from time to time that remind us of our long and beautiful story. I was fortunate enough to capture this sonically.
4. What is the motivation, the key inspiration to achieve that atmosphere that you achieve in your music?
Blodethos: I don't think I had a primary conscious idea at hand before the music took a life of its own, so to speak. To be honest I was originally just messing around, playing. I could not foresee the experience I had while making it. And just like with any experience, when you come out the other side, you have the possibility of newfound wisdom. I can now see how a love for the gods may have been a key. This love and relationship that has grown since 2013-2014 was being watered during this process. Óðinn gifted me with this mystical trance-like state and it is through this love I was able to share its fruits. Love is what created the atmosphere.
5. Did you manage to get what you had in mind with “Der Geist aus Eis und Blut?
Blodethos: The demo has exceeded any and all thoughts I may have had during and after its creation. To me, at the moment, I feel it is the most beautiful thing I have ever produced besides my son. I should note that this demo is not my sole creation. It is an expression of the spirit of the folk. And for this I cannot take full credit.
6. How were your beginnings as a musician?
Blodethos: My love for music started as early as I can remember the radio playing. I took an interest in playing guitar at 11-12. I've been recording music ever since this time. The first official releases of my music on record label's began in high school. I've been putting out music since 2003.
7. How committed are you to the preservation of the natural spaces that surround you?
Blodethos: I live in an area where to the east it's all farmlands, to the west it's all forests/mountains ranges, and to the north and south are rivers and canyons. The river is the pulse of my environment and the mountains and trees are mother earth whom embraces me. If I could not commune with this natural environment the health of my organism, my soul would be greatly affected. I can only do my part. Monday-Friday I walk to early morning meetings and along the way pick up littered bottles and cans. At the end of the month I recycle them. It's a great exchange. I aid in keeping my environment clean awhile getting some cash in return.
8. How is the recording process that you use?
Blodethos: For the demo I just messed around. I didn't really know what I was doing (I've never tried recording music like this before). By and large I just kind of tweaked with different sounds and let the magic unfold. I did force myself to use only one simple program in order to create from a limited resource. I believe the results wouldn't have been the same if I used too many keyboards, programming, and effects. I split the recording process into two halves. The first two songs were finished before taking a break that lasted a couple of months. Then I finished the last two songs. I feel nothing was rushed and it came out exactly the way it was supposed to.
9. How do you define the sound of Coldrune?
Blodethos: Völkisch Heathen Synth. A review of the demo by "Rites of Pestilence" considered it Minimal Ambient / Dark Ambient. On another site I saw it categorized under "Pagan Ambient." To my surprise more than a handful of people noticed it sounded like some Minimal Ambient releases on labels such as Vienna Press and Janushoved. I had never heard of these labels before much less the subgenre and vein of Minimal Ambient showcased on these labels. This was exciting to discover. I like that the sound reminds people of something I never knew existed prior to making it. But even if the music may share some sonic qualities to these other currents of music I consider the overall sound and spirit to be folk in nature -- more specifically folkish. Ultimately it is folk art.
10. What labels were interested in representing Coldrune inside and outside your nation?
Blodethos: The record label that is putting out Coldrune is Venereal Veneration. It worked out perfectly since I never had to submit the demo to other labels. The label found me. I felt confident and comfortable collaborating with V.V. since they believed in Coldrune the second they heard it. In fact if it wasn't for their belief in Coldrune I probably wouldn't have released it and would have only shown it to close friends. Visión-furor-Ideal. Rec. is the first label outside of my nation to take interest after the release of "Der Geist aus Eis und Blut."
11. Do you have knowledge about the use of runes?
Blodethos: The tract I wrote for track #3 "Coldrune" on the demo is the best answer I could give to such a complex question. For me I have found it is best to experience the mysteries which the runestaves symbolically represent. It's been from direct experience just gazing upon them, such as with the Othala Rune, that inkling, a glimmer, a hint of primeval ancestral memories can be revealed. It has also worked the other way around. I have gone through serious life events and changes which I am then able to feel deeply hidden within the runestaves. I have never dabbled in any practical or magical Runic system whether derived from old wisdom or new. A basic understanding of Runelore came later for me from reading about its nature and history. But I had already begun to experience the mysteries contained therein. I've preferred to weather turbulent storms, face death, sacrifice oneself, go to the depths and come back to tell of it. Basically, just live life and allow the gods to bestow the gifts of Runic wisdom. It appears that the Runes were not invented from an old Italic alphabet. They are eternal forces or realities that can be discovered. So personally I am not into the formalities of modern Runology or other paths of Runic practice. I suppose this more intimate and direct approach is more mystical in nature which I believe shows up in the spirit of the music.
12. Did you receive more proposals to release your music in other parts of the world?
Blodethos: Not yet.
13. You are a good reader. What writers do you frequent lately?
Blodethos: Reading allows me to drink from my own well. It aligns with my spiritual program to connect with the words of kinfolk that came before me. I believe it is a healthy tradition to pass down the lore of our ancestors and reading is one way of doing that. I am currently reading H.R. Ellis Davidson, Plato, and Miguel Serrano. The authors I frequently re-read are: Carl Jung, Savitri Devi, H.P. Lovecraft, Robert E. Howard, and many others depending on the season in my life.
14. Do you participate in other musical projects?
Blodethos: Yes. Right now I have three active projects. The other two, besides Coldrune, will be making their debut on Venereal Veneration in the coming year. And all three projects will have exclusive tracks featured on V.V.'s first compilation album soon to be released.
15. What are your views on National Socialism?
Blodethos: Savitri Devi said it best:
Somebody once asked me what had attracted me to National Socialism.
I replied without a shadow of hesitation: 'Its beauty.'
16. How do you impose yourself on the disgusting modern world?
Blodethos: I meet with a group Monday-Friday which allows me to align my will with the will of the gods. This is one way I am able to practice daily meditations and be of service to the folk. In these daily affairs, which have been a result of membership in this group, I can cleanse the anxiety and dread of living among the sickness that surrounds me and most of the world. On Sundays I also frequent a local Hof which is a great community experience. I have found that creating and allowing space in your life to practice a spiritual path is perhaps the missing key in integrating (or individuating) oneself in this Modern era. I've tried many other courses at my immediate disposal in order to impose or fight against the prevailing spiritual disease. All have failed. In the end I noticed I was just as sick as those I was fighting against. The gods have shown me a different way now. This way has led me to a community of kinfolk, a healthy son, and an outlet to share my experiences. It is no mere coincidence that I've had the fortune to do this interview. So I give praise to the powers that be.
17. At this point you can leave us the reflection that you want without censorship!
Blodethos: I offer the gods an invocation with the readers in mind:
Dank an die Germanischen Götter
Die Götter mögen uns beschützen
Mögen unsere Gebete an die
Götter ihre göttlichen Kräfte in uns erwecken
Wir haben eine wichtige Aufgabe bei der Pflege unserer Volksseele.
18. Finally a few words for the readers...
Blodethos: I am looking forward to more future transmissions. Thank you and may health and wellness fill our days until we meet our final battle.
If anyone would like to write, correspond, or send anthing, my contact is: blodethos@protonmail.com
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Heil Óðinn,
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