domingo, 26 de noviembre de 2023

Night and Fog - Raw National Socialist Black Metal/Dark Ambient

 1 - Tell us about how you started this musical project?
Count Of Wewelsburg: Night And Fog was created by emitting my hatred for what I see around me everyday. There also is a strong flame of pride in my music, a pride for my people and what we have conquered. Not only did I start Night And Fog, but an entire collective of bands featuring other National Socialists with hate in their hearts. Our circle is called the Aryan Front. You will find our sigil on all of our releases but no one will ever have contact. We have no interest in the public or making any friends other than those who know we are allies. Not only does Night And Fog but the entire Aryan Front stands against many "black metal" bands. Black metal has become watered down, safe and inclusive. We stand completely against this and all false black metal. An eternal fuck you too any band/label/zine that fears the swastika and the power it holds. Black Metal is evil and will always remain as such in the underground. To all posers and leftist RABM cowards FUCK OFF AND DIE!!!

2 - Tell me about the name, what does it represent for you?

Count Of Wewelsburg: Night And Fog represents on the surface level my personal admiration of the events that took place on December 7th, 1941. Night And Fog is also a double entendre as on one hand it is an homage to the directive Hitler issued on that momentous night. On the other hand NIGHT also represents many aspects of how the music is transcribed. Night is when band photos are taken, when I feel most comfortable to leave my domain, and when Darkness takes the shape of the earth. In many ways, I am the night and the night is me. FOG also represents the unknown abyss we all find ourselves in. Reality is a darkness we cannot escape or understand. May the fog consume those that are weak and lack willpower or self preservation. Some may choose to get lost or dissapear in the fog and others wade through the fog and find strength. 

3 - Musically speaking, how do you define the sound of N.a.F? 

Count Of Wewelsburg: Night And Fog is Raw National Socialist Black Metal/Dark Ambient. In my different demos that I have released thus far there are moments of hate and anger and then there are moments of tranquility and pride in a way that is not aggresive. Most moments I am conscious I feel nothing but a burning hatred but there are moments in which I prevail from the darkness that I have been thrown into by having to live in a multi-cultural zionist organized nation. Occasionally in my work those moments of tranquility can be captured. For I don't fear my enemy but look towards the inevitable future my people will create. May it take 10 or 100 years, there will always be many men of our mindset. Perhaps it is worth considering to the reader that there are many more strong willed men who share this same worldview, men that are silenced or simply can't speak their views due to persecution by the zionists. Eventually though, no matter what, the white man, even your average everyday one will become fed up with how the Jew has tainted our society with their manipulative tactics. Tomorrow is always too late, but never forget you are not alone in this battle. 

4 - Tell us about the hearing records you have to date?

Count Of Wewelsburg: So far I have 5 releases. 3 Demo tapes that all center around the same concept but sound different as they are different chapters in the saga. The other 2 releases that are currently in productions are the compilation CD NATURE'S ETERNAL RELIGION..

5 - For what purpose was Night and Fog created? 

Count Of Wewelsburg: To spread hate and emit Aryan consciousness into other beings. More importantly to spread the word of Creativity and White Power! Night And Fog also stands as a never ending homage to the great National Socialists of times past and present. Night And Fog and the Aryan Front are the Zyklon B to all zionist parasites and marxist freaks, this time the world.

6 - What is the composition and recording process like?

Count Of Wewelsburg: Usually done in a state of mind that is centered around hatred. ALWAYS done in the state of the night. I record all instruments myself. and write every aspect of Night And Fog. That is not the case for all Aryan Front bands though, as others have different members and lineups. For Night And Fog I usually record with a old 4 track cassette recorder. I only play B.C. Rich guitars and Peavey/Marshall amps. I usually record drums first, then axes, ending with the vocals/keyboards/lead guitar. By the time it is recorded the concept of the song will have already existed in my head at that point for some time. That is just the order I typically follow to transcribe my music but when not doing traditional Black Metal the process can be different. I am not one to fear using acoustic instruments or keyboards. Black metal transcends traditional musical boundaries (NOT TALKING ABOUT BLACK SHOEGAZE OR WIMP FAGGOT SHIT) What I am referring to is moreso things like non traditional metal instruments being used to make a dark song, just as dark as any distorted guitar. This is also true in Neo-Folk music, which I also am a follower of, it even makes its way into Night And Fog...

7 - Do you follow any particular religion? 

Count Of Wewelsburg: I am a firm believer in Creativity and the teachings of Ben Klassen. Some will call that a religion but it is much more than just that. It is everything to me. I would recomend to anyone further interested in this idea of a salubrious, clean, and practical white lifestyle to look up a short book titled  "The Little White Book" by Ben Klassen. I mention Creativity many times in my music and this interview as I feel it my obligation to try and show all of those who are not self hating to see the light to a white future for racial loyalists!!

8 - Tell us about the lyrics of N.a.F. 

- What is the main inspiration when writing?

 Count Of Wewelsburg: The main inspiration when writing changes from each release, to each song, to each riff. However certain releases can be focused on certain ideas, events in history, or other various esoteric ideas. The first 3 demo tapes are about The Forest Of The Black Sun... A land far away, those who wish to hear the sounds can research my demos and come to their own conclusion about it. Despite what most would think when listening there is much more than just one singular meaning, emotion or thought that I am conveying in my music.

 - Could you share a snippet of one of the lyrics with us? 

Count Of Wewelsburg: 
Song: Night And Fog (From "Forest Of The Black Sun I)
In the past 
The Cloaked hand 
For the inhuman race 
Break the silence
Of the end 
Emptiness brought on the night 
The visceral fog
It shines so bright 
The emptiness of the night
It was the night and the fog... 

9 - What are your inspirations, both ideologically and musically?

Count Of Wewelsburg: Ideologically nobody has influenced me as much as Ben Klassen and Adolf Hitler going all the way back to Nietzsche. Musically I am inspired by many black metal projects from over the years. Blazebirth Hall probably being my absolute favorite. I must also mention the American greats Grand Belials Key, Nokturne, Xenophobia, Balmung, & Fanisk. Plenty of other honorable mentions would go to Temple Of Fullmoon & French classics like Kristallnacht/Seigneur Voland. I also love metal in general not just NSBM. I live and breathe Black Metal and have been infatuated with metal as long as I can remember. Let my music also stand as true metal against all weak posers who are hobby metalheads and tourists. Always be weary of those who do not love classic Heavy Metal and only like niche and obscure metal they found on the internet. They typically care much more about sharing photos of their vinyl on their social media accounts for likes. You will see many people who follow trends like that show themselves out within a few years at most. Is it a coincidence that those same people who follow trendy hype bands are also the same individuals who often critique the REAL Aryan mindset of Black Metal, those same cretins who think that Black Metal should be inclusive to disgusting homosexuals, transsexual parasites and non Aryans. Those who have understood Black Metal from its early days understand evil and supremacy knows no limits. This is extreme music and nothing will stop it.

10 - What labels do you currently work with?

Count Of Wewelsburg: Currently, I have only worked with Barbatos Productions in Russia doing the original run of 3 different cassette tapes for the demo trilogy "Forest Of The Black Sun I-III. Other than that I have done a CDR compilation of various songs from the first 3 demos with Visión-furor-Ideal (HAIL BROTHER). That compilation is titled Nature's Eternal Religion and is also related to Creativity. That is a nod to Ben Klassens first book. I would recommend it to anyone who wishes to see the truth in this world. RAHOWA! I'm also doing a split with the mighty Vril 88. A project I highly recommend. Furthermore, I am planning on doing a larger CD press of all of my material and potentially more material that has yet to be released with Old Forest Productions in Poland sometime next year.

11 - free expression… 

Count Of Wewelsburg: Never Forget we must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

12 - How do you see the new projects that appear little by little?

Count Of Wewelsburg: I always find much more enjoyment in going back in time to find releases that have been obscured by time and in many cases come from a more genuine place then nowadays. It is much easier now to create a bedroom Black Metal project than it was many moons ago. This has created over-saturation in my opinion. That being said there are still plenty of bands that release music these days that I find genuinely evil and containing the Black Metal spirit. 

13 - What projects are you currently listening to? 

Count Of Wewelsburg: Some of the releases I have been listening to recently are Sol Invictus, Atlantean Blood, Cut Throat, Lamentation, Motörhead, Arbor, Brutal Attack, Flagellant, Ordensburg, Black Magick SS, & Grim Yard
Keep an eye out for my newest Aryan Front project that's being released in 2024 called "Nature's Finest" a RAC/Hatecore project dedicated to Creativity. For fans of Negative Approach & Skrewdriver. 

14 - a word to the readers

Count Of Wewelsburg: Look within yourself to find pride and meaning in this reality. For those who have interest in my music, do more than just listen to my music. Take the message seriously and research Creativity. I also highly suggest taking the time to hear the words of the great Adolf Hitler & George Lincoln Rockwell. We will win this war. For those who dislike my projects, my facist politics or message. Well, I'd like to start by formally saying... FUCK YOU COWARDS, BLACK METAL IS A VESSEL FOR WHITE POWER AND HATRED. 

Heil to Visión-furor-Ideal.Rec for the interview. True underground NS label that I am happy to work with. 

The Aryan Front is forever and will never be stopped, we are too strong and our enemies can't even decide their own gender. We laugh at you. 
                      The Count Of Wewelsburg 

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