lunes, 13 de mayo de 2024



In these times where cretins abound on the networks seeking acceptance with a couple of easy words that not even they themselves understand in depth and reality, let's quote the phrase "DEATH TO THE MODERN WORLD", how many times do you read that phrase a day on different platforms? Be you even see action from these guys posting these words? Even if it is a miserable action against modernity and its degenerations! -

Personally, I see a lot of guys trying to get the attention of others and gain “acceptance” (like Christian pigs licking the priest's balls to get so-called eternal forgiveness). As an example, we can use Wotan Siegnagel's good-for-nothing black man with his endless profiles wanting to be accepted by everyone on that Jewish platform, I'm talking about Facebook, what do they want with their endless accounts? Maybe he thinks that the so-called MODERN WORLD fights behind a computer keyboard making useless posts and memes that only he thinks are useful for anything, honestly I have never seen him do anything real, he is just pathetic useless, then we have the infiltrated guys who They violated through weak verses and actions reaching where they should never have been, those subjects are the ones who have a musical project through which they managed to violate the perimeters of the true cult (I could name a few) but I will leave that reflection to you. realize who the leftovers are...

Then we have the MP3 fanatic warriors, evil beings who do not support labels or projects by buying a CD/CDR/Cassette. Those types of inferiors are the ones who cry because they have to cover shipping costs, they live off gifts and MP3 music downloads. -

Let's not forget the parasites who only look for someone to edit them and then request almost all the edited material believing that they are unique, the bastards think they are the big problem, these are also the ones who believe they are glorified pure blood (being with lentil-colored skin and without valid genetics) there are many of this kind out there. -

All these types of criminals are the ones who make the true black metal cult look bad by infiltrating it. -

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