1. I mainly want to thank you for your musical contribution during all
this time and thank you for your time in answering the questions for our second
Y.: Hi! No problem, I’m glad to answer on your questions, with usually
I’m don’t do it and some fact’s stayed in the dark. It’s time to disclose it. I
must warn you that I do not speak English well and some answers may be not
correct understanding but I will try.
2. Tell us a little about the history of the beginning of Nothing!
Y.: In 2010 I did write lyrics and three songs for the first demo
“Visions” of unnamed project. In 2011 rec drums in studio by the guest drummer
and recording guitars and vocals in the abandoned hall in 2012. It’s been two
years until project got a Name. In 2014 I named project “Nothing” and rec bass
for the first Demo album. In 2015 I’m completed all rec material, it got a life
and the meaning. Then demos that called «Видения» has been released and send to
the labels. After three month “Visions” released in CD at Barbatos productions.
That was the beginning of Nothing.
3. What could you tell us from that 2015 demo Видения to this year in
terms of musical creation?
Y.: From the first time to this days I’m released two demo’s:
“Visions” and “Eternal embrace of autumn”, one studio album “The perfection of
Nothingness” and some singles for compilation’s. For all time my thought and
musical direction don’t change and never changed eternally: a progress of
comprehend the chaos and eternity, pure contemplation of the being, reflections
about nature, humanity, ideological theories, life and death. My lyrics not
confine by NS ideology. I try to think more broadly. This life gives us million
minds and theme’s, would be weird to limit it by one thing.
4. Could you tell us what is behind the name of your project, why did
you choose the same?
Y.: The name of the project not appeared immediately. It began to
arise in the process of cognition. The meaning of this word send us to Platons
and Schopengauers philosophy. Nothing -
is the thing without a thing, idea without idea and thing without idea -
absence of absence and existence of not-existence. Uncategorised concept which
appears when contemplating. This is the base of the based, the beginning and
the end of everything. The most elementary and minimalistic concept.
5. talking about your previous demos and eps. Did you
receive proposals from another label for reissues of the same?
Y.: No, I don’t get publication offer. Although most of the copies
have long been sold out. But I’m open for suggestions.
6. What can you tell us about the NS black metal movement in Russia and
nearby places?
Y.: I telling you one interesting thing: I’m usually not listening new
nsbm and bm bands, don’t check it and don’t interesting about a scene.
Because it’s a boring noise shit or on
the contrary - commercial music for stupid fans who’s ready to eating all that
have a recognizable label. I shun it. I prefer to listen a classical bm music
and nsbm bands from 90s. They have a ideas and play great songs. Bm (and nsbm)
scene now mostly - social waste for humiliated.
7. the lyrics are essential... Could you share a fragment of one of your compositions with us?
Y.: All my lyrics write on booklets from CDs, I’m not hiding it. The
most of my lyrics in my native tongue- Russian. But I have some songs in
english and one of it I’m specially write in english for my studio album that
show a ideological side of project and to explain concept of Nothing:
“I`am the wind of burial of this morbid reality
I`am a vision of the quintessence of beliefs
Not among you, not among us
In the absence of nothing.
Among other human, all things and imaginations
Black on black, a dream within a dream
Awareness of superconsciousness
The perfection of nothingness”
8. are you working on new material at this time?
Y.: Today I working with new material. And this work has been going
for more than one year. The most of material are ready. It’s a 3-4 tracks for
split with another Ural Black metal bands and re-recordered in studio the first
demo “Visions” with a new sound and arrangement. New songs deliver to the
listener’s for a long time because so much time “eating” for preparation and
released by the label, sometimes it’s take more time then I’m write and record
the music in studio.
9. what is your biggest inspiration when composing for Nothing?
Y.: I don’t need to the inspiration for write the music. For me it’s
working by different way: I’m sit and start to make a music, when I create at
least one of the riff on guitar, my mind immersed in thoughts and pictures.
It’s help me to create and ending all song. This impression don’t leave me for
a long time. And it’s a great feelings. If you want - can calling it
“Inspiration”. But this is a secondary feeling when I write a music.
10. what can you tell us about the characteristic & unmistakable
sound of Nothing?
Y.: I can’t understand the question but can tell you about a sound of
Nothing. I think that I play a black metal. Pure classical black metal. It’s a
principal thing in my creations. Black metal without experiment’s and adding
from another genres.
11. at this point i let you download freely with whatever you want!
Y.: I think that a free music is good, the listener choose - pay for
music or not. If listener like it - he forever can donate to band. This is a
question about a human decency and desire. My music don’t work on me and I
don’t work on the music. We a part of the one and nothing, I’m the musical
translator of the source.
12. Are you going to continue alone in front of nothing?
Y.: Nothing is a me and only me. All musics and lyrics write by me
without a help I think by that way I can stay pure my ideas and the original
essence. My band is my manifest for this world and no one else. Some people
help me to record the album by my control without an adding- its a drummer,
music engineer, bass guitarist. Sometimes they changes: somebody leave, some
add, session musicians is not constant.
13. what is your point of view about black metal and its considerable styles?
Y.: I think that all music was composed before us. Our purpose is a
actualisation and rethinking of the ideas - and black metal is not exception. I
listen most of all music and most of all I hate. But black metal today is a word
- its bad. Most musicians forget that black metal it’s a music and the greatest
art to say about all that must be inspiration for our minds.
14. We are in a time in which many new projects arise and the old guard
is also maintained! Could you recommend us something you're listening to
Y.: I’ve already told you that I don’t check and interested by the new bands, bm genres etc. I recommended listen the wind, forest and rain, leaves and… norwegian classic: ulver, immortal, gorgoroth, emperor, burzum. Sometimes I listen bm releases: Всполох, Вихрь, Old wainds, Drudkh. This group is a interested for me. New good albums releases so rare and pass by me often.
15. with Nothing do you think you got to the point you wanted?
Y.: In the beginning of Nothing and now I don’t make a plans and
points when I can tell:”This is all.”. This project is eternal in my life and
haven’t a plans and path of self-realization. This is the Nothing. Simply.
Eternal stream of consciousness, it not end until my death.
16. how is the recording process you use?
Y.: My recording process is simply and classical: studio, sound
engineer, many works and takes. Technical difficulties, wrong’s, re-record,
discussions. But forever magic and immanent. The first audition is the most
exciting. Pure art.
17. what is your personal point of view of the national socialist ideal?
Y.: I think that NS ideology have no need to respect or approve. It
was exist and will exist forever until we remember about it. My point that the
NS ideology is great in a strong hands and brave heads, in another way - it
can’t exists. That’s why NS now not viable anywhere. And I hate our modern
world. The great NS ideals lives forever in us, in our white children and in
our bright path of life. But the abyss is still approaching…
18. How would you define the sound of nothing?
Y.: The sound eventually define a listener’s. The music listen a
people. But technically I think that correct to call this a classical black
19. What memories do you have of the beginning of nothing?
Y.: I have a good memories about the beginning. It’s a great time of
the first text, first music, first release, try to record demo for years.
Search for visualisation and label. Pure mind and some romance. Although it’s a
typical - to embellish the past.
20. well here we come I want to thank you for your time.
Would you leave us some final words for the readers.
Y.: Thanks for the good questions I’m be happy to answer on it. I want
to tell a simply things for your readers: stay true and have a cold minds
whatever happens! Heil!